Where is Turks and Caicos?

Where is Turks and Caicos?

Where are Turks and Caicos located? Do you know? Have you heard of it? The Turks and Caicos Islands are a paradise haven for tourists. It is among the thousands of Caribbean islands and cays. Learn everything pertaining to the islands here.

The reputation of Turks and Caicos Islands precedes them. Many people have heard of the islands. Very few people, however, know where the islands are. What continent they are and the country they belong. All this is relatively essential information to have.

Where is Turks and Caicos located?

The Turks and Caicos Islands are on the Caribbean plate. They sit south-east of Miami. The Islands are between the Bahamas and the Dominican Republic. Additionally, they are tropical islands. These make them ideal vacation destinations.

Turks and Caicos consist of 8 major islands and very many small cays. Put together; they form the country, Turks, and Caicos. It is in the Atlantic Ocean. The islands are well endowed with excellent climate and unique ecosystem.

The Turks and Caicos Islands are a great tourist destination. They are laced with magnificent beaches that set the world standards. From where Turks and Caicos are, you can access from most east coast US cities. There are many direct flights.

In which country is Turks and Caicos?

Turks and Caicos are an overseas territory of the British. They have a local government that runs the day to day affairs. Overall, the local government takes care of internal affairs. There is a governor appointed to the islands by the British. The Governor’s role is to handle the British responsibilities.

What is Turks and Caicos climate?

Where is Turks and Caicos regarding climate? The Turks and Caicos Islands enjoy the year-round sunny weather. They are tropical islands in the Atlantic Ocean. They are considered part of the Caribbean plate. The weather is perfect for you to escape the winter months in other continents.

Where is Turks and Caicos in terms of tourism?

Tourism is the dominant industry in the islands. They boast of excellent beaches, pleasant weather, and enthralling views. There is a regular year-long tourist visitation to the islands. Every year, at least one million people visit the islands.

The Islands are a haven for many people. They provide the best environment for relaxation. They also offer some of the best activities in the world.

Why it is essential to know where Turks and Caicos is

As a tourist, you may find it trivial to know the geographical location of the islands. It may likewise seem unimportant to know facts of the islands. It is however imperative to know about your chosen destination. This is why.

• To know the currency used

Turks and Caicos use the US dollar. It is the official currency. Knowing this, helps you plan better. You can know the exchange rates beforehand.

• To find out the country’s language

Knowing which country the Turks and Caicos are is essential. From this information, you can tell the official language. Since the Turks and Caicos Islands are British, they use English. In light of this, you know whether you will experience a language barrier.

• To understand time zones

The Turks and Caicos Islands fall under the Atlantic Standard Time (AST). This is the dominant time zone all year. Knowing this helps you adjust better on your trip and when you get back home.

• Hurricane probability

Some of the islands on the Caribbean plate and in the Atlantic Ocean often experience Hurricanes. It is essential to know the likelihood of a hurricane. Turks and Caicos Hurricane season is June 1st to November 30th.

turks and caicos chalk
turks and Caicos chalk

Where are Turks and Caicos biggest cities?

The Turks and Caicos Islands boast of many majestic cities. These cities offer the best in activities. Each of the cities contributes to the Paradise status of the islands. They include:

I. Providenciales

Providenciales is the most developed Turks and Caicos city. It is the tourist hub of the islands. The quality of hotels and resorts is world-class. Magnificent cotton-white sand beaches surround the city. Most of the cities buildings are contemporary. It is home to the most luxurious vacation villas. At night, Provo comes alive with regional music. Modern clubs also lace the streets of the town.

Some of the most popular places to visit in and around Providenciales include the Grace Bay beach. It is a peaceful ensemble of beauty and splendor. Restaurants and quality cuisines grace the city. Major shopping centers are in Provo. For example, the Reagent is in the Grace Bay area.

II. Cockburn Town

Of the eight constituent islands of Turks and Caicos, Grand Turk is the largest. It is home to Cockburn Town. It is also home to Bermudian architecture. The town is famous for its peaceful narrow streets. Additionally, governor’s beach and Cockburn dock make it a tourist destination. It is a fantastic place to get away. The Turks and Caicos National Museum is in the town.

III. Salt Cay in Turks Island

This is another major city in Turks and Caicos. On your Turks and Caicos Vacation, ensure to visit Salt Cay. During the high season in Turks and Caicos, this city is frequented by many tourists. This is mainly because of the whale migration. The humpback whales put on a splashy show as they head to silver banks.

The whale migration is such a popular annual event. The humpback whales leave the Hispaniola towards the warm silver banks. They migrate in search of the warm waters. This is where they give birth. The humpback whales of Salt Cay is their famous name. They pass by from November to March.

IV. Parrot Cay

Parrot Cay is one of the most luxurious cities in Turks and Caicos. It is also private and secluded. The town gets its popularity from the incredible private homes. Many celebrities have homes in the city. Their preference of the city is as a result of its location. It is in a secluded area in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Luxury villas, beach houses, and the main Parrot Cay resort. These are some of the most prestigious contemporary buildings in the city. Consequently, homes and villas in this town are costly.

Category : Travel
Tags : #CockburnTown, #InWhichCountryIsTurksAndCaicos, #ParrotCay, #Providenciales, #SaltCayInTurksIsland, #TurksAndCaicos, #WhatIsTurksAndCaicosClimate, #WhereIsTurksAndCaicosInTermsOfTourism, #WhyItIsEssentialToKnowWhereTurksAndCaicosIs

Originally posted on : Keycaribe Magazine
Source link : Where is Turks and Caicos?

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